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CEO November Message

01 November 2020
While we associate giving thanks and counting our blessings with Thanksgiving time, it is something we should do every day. Hill County Electric (HCE) has a lot to be thankful for including our members, employees, and Board members. Each year at Montana Electric Cooperatives’ Association (MECA) Annual Meeting of Members, MECA selects Cooperative Spirit Award winners from MECA member cooperative nominations. HCE is proud to announce that Board member, Clarence “Fritz” Keller and HCE’s CFO, Mark Majeres were selected as this year’s Cooperativ...

CEO October Message

01 October 2020
In 1945, Hill County Electric Cooperative (HCE) was built by the rural residents of Hill County to serve local communities, and after 75 years we will continue to keep the power on now and for our future generations. In celebration of cooperatives, October is National Co-op Month, and electric cooperatives across the country like HCE are proud to “Power On.” Keeping this theme in mind, we recognize the essential role HCE plays in serving our communities with high quality, reliable and safe electric services. HCE’s top priority is to contin...

CEO September Message

01 September 2020
This was going to be our 75th Annual Meeting; after 75 years our members are still working together to keep the cooperative strong for future generations. Thank you for being such great members and thank you for continuing to lead HCE in the right direction. After all, it is because of you that HCE exists. There are seven principles that cooperatives follow in our business model. Concern for Community is the one that has been at the forefront for all of us at Hill County Electric (HCE) during the pandemic and these uncertain times. In late...

CEO August Message

01 August 2020
All Hill County Electric (HCE) members were mailed a letter the beginning of June explaining the HCE Board’s decision to hold a special meeting by mail to elect new trustees. Be assured the HCE Board did not make this decision lightly. Below are some details of what to expect. HCE’s Districts 2 and 3 are up for election this year. The nominating committee met and nominated Trevor Standing Rock for District 2 and Leslie Smith for District 3. Any HCE Member who wished to run for an HCE Board Trustee position and lives in the boundaries of Di...

2020 HCE Election Results

28 July 2020
As you know Hill County Electric (HCE) cancelled the Annual Meeting due to COVID-19 and the Governors Executive Order.  In previous information shared with you; the Board decided to hold the special meeting by mail, as allowed in our by-laws.  HCE conducted the special meeting by mail to elect our trustees in District 2 & District 3.  On July 27th, Chris Walker, from Bosch, Kuhr, Dugdale & Brown counted the ballots for District 2 & District 3. Congratulations to the following trustees who were elected. District ...

CEO July Message

01 July 2020
All Hill County Electric (HCE) members were mailed a letter the beginning of June explaining the HCE Board’s decision to hold a special meeting by mail to elect new trustees. Be assured the HCE Board did not make this decision lightly. Below are some details of what to expect. HCE’s Districts 2 and 3 are up for election this year. The nominating committee met and nominated Trevor Standing Rock for District 2 and Leslie Smith for District 3. Any HCE Member who wished to run for an HCE Board Trustee position and lives in the boundaries of Di...

CEO June Message

24 June 2020
Summer is here and hopefully this virus is behind us. Even with all the uncertainty that we are facing, I am proud to say HCE employees have continued to provide the same great customer service to our members. Internally, management balanced making changes to keep our employees safe while still being available to our members. Technology has played a key role in progressing through this crisis together. I would like to take a moment to thank Independence Bank and Rocky Boy Veterans Center for accepting payments during this time on our behalf....

HCE Special Annual Meeting ballots to be mailed

23 June 2020
As you know Hill County Electric (HCE) cancelled the Annual Meeting due to COVID-19 and the Governors Executive Order.  In previous information shared with you; the Board decided to hold the special meeting by mail, as allowed in our by-laws.  Nomination Committee:The nomination committee met, and the following were nominated by the committee: Trevor Standing Rock for District 2 and Leslie Smith for District 3. Nomination By Petition:HCE received a nomination by petition from Jared Dees for District 3.   Nomination From The...

CEO May Message

01 May 2020
Thank you to all of our members for your patronage this year. I hope this finds you healthy. The past few months have been uncharted territory for all of us and we thank you for your patience during this time. On March 24th, Hill County Electric (HCE) and its sister cooperative, Triangle Communications, closed our office to the public to protect our members and employees from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Like many other companies, some of our employees began working from home and those remaining in the office are practicing social dist...