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CEO July Message

01 July 2020
All Hill County Electric (HCE) members were mailed a letter the beginning of June explaining the HCE Board’s decision to hold a special meeting by mail to elect new trustees. Be assured the HCE Board did not make this decision lightly. Below are some details of what to expect. HCE’s Districts 2 and 3 are up for election this year. The nominating committee met and nominated Trevor Standing Rock for District 2 and Leslie Smith for District 3. Any HCE Member who wished to run for an HCE Board Trustee position and lives in the boundaries of Di...

CEO June Message

24 June 2020
Summer is here and hopefully this virus is behind us. Even with all the uncertainty that we are facing, I am proud to say HCE employees have continued to provide the same great customer service to our members. Internally, management balanced making changes to keep our employees safe while still being available to our members. Technology has played a key role in progressing through this crisis together. I would like to take a moment to thank Independence Bank and Rocky Boy Veterans Center for accepting payments during this time on our behalf....

HCE Special Annual Meeting ballots to be mailed

23 June 2020
As you know Hill County Electric (HCE) cancelled the Annual Meeting due to COVID-19 and the Governors Executive Order.  In previous information shared with you; the Board decided to hold the special meeting by mail, as allowed in our by-laws.  Nomination Committee:The nomination committee met, and the following were nominated by the committee: Trevor Standing Rock for District 2 and Leslie Smith for District 3. Nomination By Petition:HCE received a nomination by petition from Jared Dees for District 3.   Nomination From The...

CEO May Message

01 May 2020
Thank you to all of our members for your patronage this year. I hope this finds you healthy. The past few months have been uncharted territory for all of us and we thank you for your patience during this time. On March 24th, Hill County Electric (HCE) and its sister cooperative, Triangle Communications, closed our office to the public to protect our members and employees from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Like many other companies, some of our employees began working from home and those remaining in the office are practicing social dist...

CEO April Message

01 April 2020
Linemen across the nation work in dangerous or difficult situations to provide safe and reliable power to our members. To recognize their dedication, April 13, 2020 has been designated National Linemen/Lineworker Day. On this day, Hill County Electric Cooperative (HCE) and other electric cooperatives across the country, will honor these brave men and women who work hard to keep the lights on and remember those who have lost their life while performing their jobs. HCE’s linemen work around the clock to keep the power flowing to our members 3...

Notice of HCE Annual Meeting Cancellation

30 March 2020
On March 30, the Hill County Electric Board of Trustees made the difficult decision to cancel the May 16, 2020 Annual Meeting.   In these difficult times, it was decided that cancelling the Annual Meeting for the year is the best decision for all of our members. When life returns to normal, the Board will decide if a special meeting will be called this year or if we will wait until the next annual meeting to have the election of our trustees. The Bylaws allow for such provisions, and the Board will work through the issues of CoVID-19 a...

CEO March Message

01 March 2020
Since we are a cooperative, Hill County Electric (HCE) has a different way of operating. HCE continues to learn from you, our members about what is important to you. HCE was built by the communities we serve, for the members we serve. In December HCE sent out a survey to our members asking if you were aware of programs we offer and a few questions on how you use your electric service. Thank you to everyone who returned the survey, the response was overwhelming! The data we collect from these kinds of surveys, helps us plan for current and f...

CEO February Message

01 February 2020
We are already into the second month of 2020. I hope the new year has been good to you so far. During the winter months it is important to stay safe and warm. In the Northern Hemisphere winter includes the months of December,  January and February. Mother Nature sometimes has a different idea for Montana. I think we all have memories of early and late winter storms that reminded us it can snow just about any time of year in Montana. Everyone at Hill County Electric (HCE) would like to remind you how important it is to be safe around e...

CEO January Message

01 January 2020
Happy New Year! We have just taken the first steps into 2020, but we all know before long the school year will be coming to a close and summer will be here. Each year, Hill County Electric (HCE) offers scholarship opportunities to students who are planning to attend college in the fall and whose parents or guardians are members of HCE. For more information or scholarship applications, visit our website at www.hillcountyelectric.coop/apply-scholarships. Below is a quick overview of the scholarships available. I encourage all eligible studen...